I believe we are all born with infinite potential, that our natural state is a state of perfect health, happiness, strength, kindness, freedom and incredible creativity.
This state of natural well being is not something that can be forced, it just happens by itself. It is something beyond what we perceive as being ourselves, it is life itself flowing through us.Through different conditioning (our families, countries, cultures, educations…) we pick up habits and unconscious mechanisms. These mechanisms are usually the only thing preventing us to be in our natural healthy state. I want to come back to this natural state of flow, where we can unlock and live our full potential. I want to help and accompany you in this journey.
I define all the different tools and processes used to come back to our natural state as art.
Art is a process by which a person enters a state of transcendence, where she is not herself anymore and taps into something bigger and incomprehensible.
Art is the futile attempt to make the invisible visible, the unknowable, knowable. It is said that a real secret is not something that you keep into hiding and not share or show, a real secret is that which is not sayable, that which cannot be shown, no matter how hard we try. A real secret remains a mystery forever and if we are lucky and brave enough to stumble upon it, all we can do is vaguely point in the direction that we found it, as a finger pointing to the moon.
No matter the art, the craft or the technique, an artist in the sense that I conceive is the one that goes beyond any belief, the one that fiercely and constantly is in search of the unspeakable, the unknown, the real secret. He is the one seeking truth and shattering illusions and lies.
He is the heir of mystic figures like shamans or men of esoteric knowledge. Often seen as mad or eccentric by those not so fiercely in the search of those secrets. He is the one that allows himself to shine in a world where we were told and taught not to, by doing so he allows others to do so as well, this grants him some kind of authority demanding no diploma or qualifications other than daring to live authentically.