Living Artfully

I have a global approach to this reality, I try as best as I can to perceive this world through many different angles and grasp its essence more fully. 

For example: instead of just seeing an object for its function, it can be perceived through many other filters: its matter, its colors, its texture, its temperature, the sound it makes…

I have picked five aspects of life that I have found to be essential components of which we can get better awareness. This will greatly improve our ability to live more authentically.

The Body

Maybe the most obvious since it is the most direct and accessible.

What is the most authentic, joyous, harmonious version of your body?


The ability to see what is and to expand this capacity.

Learning to see the bigger picture. Learning to see reality through somebody else’s point of view.

How can you train your awareness to open you up to a more harmonious life?


Our bodies are located in a specific context that, without any doubt has a strong influence on who we are.

How can you build awareness around this and learn how to find harmony, balance and healing from your surroundings ?


Learning about cycles and their fundamental impact on us. Aligning with the different seasons of life means finally allowing the flow of life rather than fighting against the current.

How can you adapt your everyday life to flow with your natural cycles?


The definition of authenticity is to be congruent in thought , word and action.

It is to express what is: feelings, fear, needs, wants, boundaries…

Learning to fully express ourselves through any means: the voice, movement, posture…and rooting out anything unauthentic is probably the most important aspect of living artfully.

What can you do to improve your expression and communicate your truth to the world?

